Whether Jade Helm 15 turns out to be a just a RMT exercise or something far more serious remains to be seen and only the end of September 2015 will answer that. Regardless of the outcome, democractic liberties are slowly becoming eradicated and the song Jaded Helm is about the social, psychological, physical and emotional conditioning by the half wits who spout the 3 way Hegelian Dialetic (Thesist, athesist and synthesis) not just about the military drill. There is another way for the planet, something I call the 4 way Camus Dialectic (Rebellion, Freedom, Passion and Hope). The original 10 Amendments on the Constitution of the USA 1776 bear little reflection to the USA of 2015. The very noble and brave act of the Founding Fathers to take on the tyranny and might of the merchant and bankers classes from Britain in the eighteen century will be in vain. Even though I'm am based in Manchester in the UK, what happens in the USA effects the whole world. If the USA goes down to Internal Tyranny then the rest of the world could follow suit. If Barack Obama genuinely wants to save lives he should first rein in the US Arms-Industrial Complex that has led to millions of lives lost, people severly wounded physically and psychologically, and many more millions displaced as refugees in the last 10 years alone. Trying to repeal the 2nd Amendment of the USA citizens will always ring a little hollow until he (and future US Presidents) seriously addresses the Arms and Surveillance Industrial complexes and ultimately the world banking system which is utterly corrupt and inefficient economically in terms of using the planet resources productively and for everybody. Johnny de Guyse
- Category
- Alternative Rock / Metal Rock / Hardrock / Poprock T
- Tags
- The Switch Ma-en, rock